- As quatro cores da Bandeira Nacional representam simbolicamente as famílias reais de que descende D.Pedro I, idealizador da Bandeira do Império. Com o passar do tempo esta informação foi sendo substituída por uma adaptação feita pelo povo brasileiro. Dentro deste contexto, o verde passou a representar as matas, o amarelo as riquezas do Brasil, o azul o seu céu e o branco a paz que deve reinar no Brasil.
- As estrelas e as constelações representadas na nossa bandeira correspondem ao aspecto do céu na cidade do Rio de Janeiro às 8:30h do dia 15 de novembro de 1889- local e data da proclamação da república. (segundo dados da UFMG -
- A versão atual da Bandeira Nacional Brasileira com 27 estrelas entrou em vigor em 11 de maio de 1992, com a inclusão de mais quatro estrelas (antes eram 23 estrelas) representando os estados do Amapá, Tocantins, Roraima e Rondônia, totalizando portanto 26 estados mais o Distrito Federal..
- The largest flag in the world that is hoisted on a regular basis is the Brazilian flag. The bandeira, or flag, is flown over the Praça dos Três Poderes square in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. It is said that the flag weighs nearly 1300 pounds with dimensions of 230 x 330 feet. In other words, it is about the size of a soccer field.
- The four colors of the national flag symbolise the royal families from which D. Pedro I, former emperor, is a direct descendant. As time passed by such information was gradually replaced by an adaptation by the Brazilian people. Thus, the green background symbolizes the lush forests of Brazil, while the yellow diamond represents the country’s mineral wealth. The blue circle in the center represents the sky and the 27 stars represent different constellations that can be seen from Brazil. Finally, a white band with the country’s motto Ordem e Progresso (Order and Progress) crosses the blue sky in the middle the flag.
- The stars and constellations on our flag depict the configuration of the sky of Rio de Janeiro at 8:30 p.m.on the night of November 15, 1889 - the exact place and time of the proclamation of the republic. (source: )
- The current version of the Brazilian national flag featuring 27 stars came into effect as of May 11, 1992 after the addition of four stars representing the states of Amapá,
Tocantins, Roraima and Rondonia therefore totalling 26 states plus the Federal District.
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