Bandeira do Brasil

Bandeira do Brasil

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hundreds of thousands of visitors head for the Carnival in Sao Paulo every year, not just to party but also to experience true Afro-Brazilian culture.  Since 1991, the Anhembi Sambadrome is the focus of Carnival celebrations in Sao Paulo. The parade features the top samba schools from the city including Mocidade Alegre, Gavioes da Fiel, Vai-Vai, Camisa Verde e Branco, Unidos do Peruche, and others. The competition includes two afoxé groups with strong Afro-Brazilian roots. Local residents are actively involved in the creation of costumes and floats for the samba schools and other street parades held throughout the city. 
Unlike Rio, the main days of the Carnival in Sao Paulo are Friday and Saturday with the top samba schools competing for the prestigious championship trophy - this year the champion being Mocidade Alegre. Over 30,000 spectators at the Sambadrome are transported into frenzy as the sights and sounds of the samba schools begin to work through their bodies. 

Following is a video of a rehearsal of the 2013 samba theme for the Mocidade Alegre which helped it win the championship, and a free translation:

Amor, vem viajar na fantasia
E encontrar o poder da sedução
Se entregar à tentação
O fruto proibido provar e sentir o prazer
Sem culpa, sem medo, pecar
Beleza, riqueza no olhar.
Emana a luz da razão
O caminho da redenção
E assim, o reino dos céus alcançar
Quando o vento soprar, eu vou voar
E te encontrar nessa imensidão
Brincar de deus, ser feliz, sonhar
Não há limites para a imaginação
Em versos a mais linda história
Romances e contos nos fazem sonhar
E se o vilão é o herói afinal?
E se o sonho se torna real?
Você é quem diz...
Para sempre, quem será feliz.
Desperta toda magia do artista,
O futuro do sambista
Um amanhã de amor e paz!
Morada, é a paixão que nos conduz
Com força e união, com garra e emoção
Num mundo sem ponto final
Vou seduzir seu coração
Com muito orgulho, sou Mocidade
Nosso final feliz, depende de você
Fazer o sonho acontecer

Love, let´s travel  in fantasy
And find the power of seduction
Surrender to temptation,
Taste the forbidden fruit and feel the pleasure
No guilt, no fear, just  sin
Stunning, dazzling.
Emanating from the light of reason
The road to redemption
And thus reach the kingdom of heaven.
When the wind blows, I'll fly
And find you  in the sea
Playing god, being happy, dreaming
There´s no limit to imagination.
In verses the most  beautiful story
Novels and short stories make us dream
And if the villain is eventually the hero?
And if the dream comes true?
You are the one who states...
who will be forever happy.
Awaken  all the artist´s magic,
The future of a samba dancer
A tomorrow of love and peace!
Our samba school is the passion that drives us
With strength and unity, with guts and emotion
In an endless world.
I will seduce your heart
With great pride, I am Mocidade
Our happy ending depends on you
Making the dream come true

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